Save Your Tooth or Pull It?

May 28, 2021

If you’ve been experiencing tooth pain, your inclination might be to just pull the problematic tooth and be done with it! Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. So, before you choose to extract it, make sure you take time to understand the ramifications. Benefits of saving a natural tooth When possible, saving your natural teeth is the best option. While today’s dental prosthetics are made to last, they simply don’t have ...

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Spring Means Blooms, Sunshine & Oral Cancer Screenings

April 29, 2021

April is oral cancer awareness month. While not as delightful as the other signs of spring – blooming trees and longer days – a focus on early detection is a beautiful thing. While oral cancer (oral cavity and oropharynx cancers collectively) accounts for almost 3% of all cancers diagnosed annually in the United States, it is responsible for 1.8% of all cancer deaths. The death rate associated with oral cancer is particularly high because it is ...

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How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Remake Your Smile after Tooth Damage, Loss, or Decay

March 29, 2021

More than half of all respondents in a recent poll said they were insecure about the appearance of their teeth. If tooth damage, loss, or decay has you covering your mouth, take heart in knowing that you're not destined to a tight-lipped smile forever! Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, there are several ways we can restore your smile. Cosmetic dentistry is a broad term that refers to any dental work that adjusts the appearance of ...

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How To Maintain Children’s Oral Health

February 28, 2021

When you’re a parent, everyone has advice to share, from which diapers to use to how much screen time is appropriate. This often leaves us wondering if we’re doing it “right.” While much in parenting is subjective, your child’s oral health isn’t. Your family’s oral health is important to us, so read on to find answers to some questions parents commonly ask. When should my child see a dentist? The ...

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Am I a Good Candidate for Full-Mouth Reconstruction?

January 30, 2021

We’ve often been told that less is more, but sometimes more is needed. This is often the case when patients are dealing with multiple or complex dental issues. These cases, whether a result of oral health habits, trauma, genetic conditions, or years of teeth grinding, may require a full-mouth reconstruction. What is full-mouth reconstruction? Full-mouth reconstruction (also known as full-mouth restoration) goes beyond improved cosmetics and involves a combination of dental treatments to rebuild ...

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5 Tips to Maintain Healthy Teeth During the Holidays

December 30, 2020

The holidays are here and with them come all the joys of the season – lights and decorations, time with friends and family, and those special treats we only get this time of year. Unfortunately, the special treats we love so much can lead to damaged teeth and an unwanted trip to the dentist, which will definitely not have you feeling holly and jolly.  We don’t want you to miss out on all the fun ...

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Dental Insurance – What You Need to Know

November 30, 2020

Unlike homeowner’s or automobile insurance, dental insurance is something you definitely WANT to use. Other insurance plans are often designed to cover a loss. For example, your homeowner’s insurance will reimburse you if you lose your home to a fire or natural disaster and if your car is damaged in an accident, your car insurance pays to have it repaired. Of course, specific coverage amounts vary depending on the policy, but the premise ...

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Tongue Brushing, Really?

October 30, 2020

You know brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing are staples of good oral hygiene, but is brushing your tongue really necessary? In short, yes. Why is my tongue important? Though the tongue often plays second fiddle to your pearly whites, it’s actually a critical body part. Without a tongue we wouldn’t be able to speak, chew, taste, or swallow food. Your tongue is an organ made up of a group of ...

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Dental Plaque: What You Need to Know

September 29, 2020

Plaque, like many oral health concerns, begins as a silent menace. You may recognize this colorless, sticky film as the fuzzy coating you feel when you first wake up. For many people, a colorless film on the teeth may be the only sign. However, in some cases, more noticeable symptoms, such as receding gums or bad breath, occur. What is plaque and what causes it? Plaque forms in your mouth throughout the day as you ...

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Why Replacing Lost Teeth is Important

August 24, 2020

For those individuals that have lost their teeth or have been suffering from missing teeth, it is important to understand how critical it is to address the issue. The reality is that nobody would like to live their life with missing teeth.  In addition to it looking very awkward, it also affects your self-confidence because it hinders you from being able to smile openly. Other than aesthetics, there are several other reasons why you should ...

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